
Brianna Dilipkumar

Brianna  Dilipkumar

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

I have been a Special Olympics athlete for 19 years.

How did you first get involved with Special Olympics and how has it changed your life?

I joined the youth activity club with Special Olympics and played basketball, games, and participated in Halloween, Valentine Day and Christmas activities. I started to enjoy these activities with my friends. I was happy then I started to join other activities with Special Olympics. I made lot of friends. That makes me happy.

What is a challenge or barrier that you have overcome?

I was shy before and not anymore. My language skills improved when I got older. I don't need to be shy, even I don't understand sometimes.

What has been your favourite memory with Special Olympics?

I won a gold medal at the Special Olympics Winter Games Calgary on March 3rd for figure skating level 2.

What has participating in Special Olympics taught you?

Teamwork and sharing.

What do you want people to know about athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

They are smart in many ways.

What would you say to someone thinking of getting involved in Special Olympics?

Special Olympics is fantastic. Please sign up!