
Donna Bilous

Donna  Bilous

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

I have been involved with Special Olympics for 18 years!

How were you first introduced to the movement and what got you hooked?

I was first introduced in high school where our gym teacher was very involved, and we helped her out at a track meet. When our daughter was born with Down Syndrome, being a sports minded family, we knew right away SO was going to be part of our lives. Once I started coaching and saw the impact, I could have on building an athlete's confidence and self-esteem and the trust they had in me, I was hooked.

How has being involved with Special Olympics impacted your life?

It has been humbling, inspiring, and it has taught me patience. My involvement with SO has made me realize as a coach the impact I can have in improving an athlete’s life through sport. Special Olympics has given me many opportunities to grow as a person and as a coach and it has given me a huge circle of friends worldwide.

What is your favourite part about your role on the team?

I think as Head Coach you really have the opportunity to 'drive the bus' of how you and your coaches build a successful team. I love engaging with other coaches to get their perspective and the sharing of experiences.

What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?

That is a hard one as there are so many. As a coach, it was at the 2013 Games in the 500m final. We had a game plan to try and secure a medal placing. The athlete skated the plan to perfection and was on his way to a bronze medal when the 2 skaters with the lead tried a pass and both fell. Our athlete won gold! His reaction was priceless; as a coach I was ecstatic. My proudest moment as a parent when our daughter made her first World Games team and won Canada's first gold medal for those Games.

What does being a part of Special Olympics Team Canada mean to you and what is your goal for Turin?

It is always an honour to represent your country, and to be able to raise the profile of the SO movement on the World stage where our athletes can showcase their abilities is humbling. My goal is to bring the best prepared team to Turin so not only are they prepared for the 'field of play' but prepared for all the fun and opportunities that the World Games and Italy has to offer.

What unique skills or experiences do you bring to your role as a coach, mission staff or team leadership and what drives you to support and inspire the athletes every day?

I am inspired by the trust that the athletes have in me as a coach, their desire to work hard and do well. Seeing the growth in their independence, self-confidence, and self-esteem is what drives me to be a better coach. I feel my previous Games experience is an asset in navigating our team's success along this journey. And, if energy is a skill, I come with that!

What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering with Special Olympics?

Get involved, not only can you change lives, but it will also change your life more then you will ever know.