Jesse Jansen

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
I have been a Special Olympics athlete for 32 years!
How did you first get involved with Special Olympics and how has it changed your life?
My family skied and when I was at the hill SO invited me to join.
What is a challenge or barrier that you have overcome?
I have learned to win with humility and lose with grace. I have also learned how to cheer and be supportive of other folks. Coaching and encouragement have really helped me.
What has been your favourite memory with Special Olympics?
I was really proud of myself when I won three golds at the provincial games
What has participating in Special Olympics taught you?
I have learned to be a team player and try to do the thing the coach suggests.
What does being part of Special Olympics Team Canada mean to you and what is your goal for Turin?
I like being part of a valued group. I want to make myself, my family and my country proud of me. I would like to win at least one gold.
What do you want people to know about athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
I want people to know that we all deserve a chance. We like two move our bodies and we like to compete. We also like the social interaction SO provides.
What would you say to someone thinking of getting involved in Special Olympics?
Just do it! You will have lots of fun socially and you will learn new skills.