
Krissy Krnasty

Krissy Krnasty

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

I have been involved with Special Olympics for 8 years.

How were you first introduced to the movement and what got you hooked?

I have a very good friend who has been an athlete with Special Olympics for many years. I got to tag along and cheer her on with some of her sports and just knew I wanted to get involved. Haven't looked back since! I love the excitement, connection, and joy within our smaller local Special Olympics community, and it has been amazing to make connections across our province and country! I have had the opportunity to be a volunteer, assistant coach, head coach, mission staff, and medical support. I have loved every role and the opportunities I have had to support this great movement.

How has being involved with Special Olympics impacted your life?

Being involved in Special Olympics has brought so much positivity, joy, and inspiration to my life! As a coach and volunteer at a local level it has kept me busy but helped me build strong connections in my community and help support others to get involved either as an athlete or a volunteer. Getting involved as medical support with Team BC and Team Canada has brought me into the excitement of competitive sport and the admiration I have for these athletes training and talents is huge and brings me motivation to stay active and get out there.

What is your favourite part about your role on the team?

My favourite part about being medical staff is being able to help our team members out when they are not feeling their best. I like being able to work with them to find how to help them feel better and figure out their next steps. Also love that it gets me out there to cheer on all of our athletes in their endeavours!

What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?

My proudest moment so far was walking with Team BC into opening and closing ceremonies at our most recent National Winter Games. I haven't been able to describe that feeling of being apart of this amazing movement. Maybe even tied with that feeling is seeing all of our athletes wearing those hard earned medals and celebrating their hard work with them!

What does being a part of Special Olympics Team Canada mean to you and what is your goal for Turin?

I am so incredibly honoured to be apart of Team Canada. This is a task I don't take lightly and my goal is to ensure I support my teammates to be the healthiest, strongest that they can and support them to enjoy every moment of games in Turin.

What would you say to someone who is considering volunteering with Special Olympics?

Stop hesitating! Sign up, feel it out, and you won't regret it. Volunteering with Special Olympics has brought me many connections with some very special and amazing people.